The Wind Rises

The Wind Rises  Movie Poster

The Wind Rises

In Japan 1918, Jiro Horikoshi, a young boy living in a provincial town,
dreams of being a fighter pilot, but his poor eyesight forbids it.
After he reads an aviation magazine, Jiro dreams he meets the famous
Italian aircraft designer Caproni, who tells him that building planes
is better than flying them.

Five years later, Jiro is traveling to Tokyo by train to study engineering.
He meets a young girl named Naoko traveling with her maid;
when the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 hits, Naoko's maid breaks her leg,
and Jiro carries her to Naoko's family. He leaves without giving his name.

Jiro begins work at aircraft manufacturer Mitsubishi, assigned to a fighter design team.
He is sent to Germany to carry out technical research
and obtain a production license for a Junkers aircraft.

He argues with German soldiers and witnesses a night raid by German secret police.
He dreams again of Caproni, who asks him:
"Do you prefer a world with pyramids, or with no pyramids?"
Even if humankind might put planes to ugly purposes,
Caproni believes that the world is better for their beauty.

In 1932, Jiro is promoted to chief designer for a fighter plane competition
sponsored by the Navy, which ends in failure.

Disappointed, Jiro visits a summer resort
where he meets Naoko again.
They are engaged soon after.
However, Naoko has tuberculosis,
and refuses to marry until she recovers.

A German visitor privately critical of the Nazi regime, Hans Castorp,
assists the romance before fleeing arrest by Japanese authorities.
Wanted in connection with Castorp, Jiro hides at his supervisor's home
while he works on a new Navy project.

Naoko recuperates in an alpine sanatorium, but cannot bear being apart from Jiro,
and returns to marry him; Jiro's hosts hold a traditional wedding.
Jiro's sister, a doctor, warns Jiro that his marriage to Naoko will end badly,
as tuberculosis is incurable.
Though Naoko's health deteriorates,
she and Jiro enjoy their time together.

Jiro leaves for the test flight of Jiro's prototype Mitsubishi A5M aircraft.
Sensing that she will soon die, Naoko secretly returns to the sanitorium
and leaves letters for her husband, family, and friends.
At the test site, Jiro is distracted from his success
by a gust of wind, sensing Naoko's death.

During Japan's involvement in World War II,
Jiro visits Caproni in another dream and tells him he regrets
that his aircraft were used for war.

Caproni comforts him, saying Jiro's dream
of building beautiful aircraft was nonetheless realized.
A group of Zeros fly past and their pilots salute Jiro.
Finally Naoko appears again, exhorting her husband to live his life to the fullest.


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