

At the Tarasco bar in Mexico, The American tells the story of how he witnessed a massacre
in another bar committed by a Mexican with a guitar case full of guns.
The bar's patrons are uninterested until the American mentions the name "Bucho."

El Mariachi has a dream of his encounter with Moco that left his lover dead and his hand shot.
He is awoken by the American, who tells him that to continue his search for Bucho at the bar.
El Mariachi travels to the town and meets a child to whom he gives some guitar playing tips.

At the Tarasco bar, El Mariachi engages in a tense standoff with Bucho's goons
before a massive gunfight erupts.

He kills everyone in the bar, but is followed outside by a man named Tavo.
On the street, Tavo shoots El Mariachi twice before being killed himself.
El Mariachi is then sheltered in the local bookstore by Carolina, the owner.

Bucho arrives at the bar to survey the carnage
and hears the kid from earlier playing his guitar by the door.
A paranoid Bucho orders his men to hunt down the man with a guitar case full of guns.

Carolina removes the bullets from El Mariachi and stitches his wounds.
While he rests, she discovers the guns in his guitar case.
She realizes who he is and he asks her to help him find and kill Bucho.

He leaves his case with her so that he can go and talk to the American at the town church.
The American is upset over the massacre at the bar and convinces El Mariachi
to give up his quest for blood.

While exiting the church, they are ambushed by a Columbian hit-man named Navajas.
The American is killed and El Mariachi is severely wounded.

The attack is interrupted by Bucho's men, who mistake Navajas for El Mariachi and kill him.
They take the body back to Bucho, who is upset to discover that the Columbians
don't trust him and that his men killed the wrong person.

El Mariachi wanders through the streets injured, again meeting the kid with the guitar.
He asks why the kid isn't practicing and learns that the kid is being used by his father
to mule drugs hidden in his guitar.
El Mariachi witnesses the kid swapping the guitar with drug dealers,
and as they pull around the corner he robs them of the drugs, which he destroys.

An angry Mariachi returns to the bookstore and confronts Carolina,
discovering that she also works for Bucho.

After fighting with her she begins tending his wounds again
when Bucho arrives to question her about El Mariachi.

She hides El Mariachi and convinces Bucho she doesn't know anything.
Bucho leaves, and Carolina finishes stitching up El Mariachi's wounds.
That evening, Carolina gives El Mariachi a new guitar and he plays for her
before they make passionate love.

Meanwhile, Bucho realizes that Carolina lied to him
and orders his men to burn the bookstore down with her in it.
In the morning, Bucho's men arrive and attack them while setting the bookstore ablaze.
The two fight their way out of the burning building and onto a local rooftop,
where El Mariachi gets a clear shot at Bucho but suddenly refuses to kill him.
The two take refuge in a hotel room.

Bucho gathers his men and tells them to kill anyone they see in town that they don't know.
Realizing that Bucho will never stop hunting them,
El Mariachi calls his friends Campa and Quino in to help.

The trio meet up on the edge of town and encounter Bucho's goons.
A massive gun battle ensues, and most of Bucho's goons along with Campa and Quino are killed.
El Mariachi sees the kid he met earlier laying on the ground shot and rushes to help him.
Carolina steals a truck and they rush the boy to a hospital.

After dropping him off, the pair head over to Bucho's compound to confront him directly.
El Mariachi reveals that he couldn't shoot Bucho earlier because they are brothers.
Bucho offers him a deal; if he lets Bucho kill Carolina then Bucho will forgive everything else.
El Mariachi produces guns from his sleeves and kills his brother, shooting his way out of the compound.
He and Carolina visit the boy in the hospital before El Mariachi leaves on his own.
Carolina catches up to him on the road and picks him up.
The two drive away together with the guitar case full of guns.


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