Shocking! Couple Had Sex in an ATM Foyer!

Markys Blog, clip, entertaining video, news, short video, scandal, atm, withdrawal, arrested, police,

Shocking! Couple Had Sex
in an ATM Foyer!

This image is doing the rounds on social media, it depicts a butt naked man making a deposit
with his girlfriend inside a ATM foyer in Spain.

According to reports, the amorous interlude took place in Oviedo, Spain.

Once inside the foyer, the man and woman ripped off all their clothes
except for their socks because, you know, hygiene.

The love making attracted a crowd.
Onlookers took photos and cheered the couple on.

It wasn't long before police showed up.
The police took their personal details, but lucky for them they weren't cited.
Do you think the couple got off easy?
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