How Did This Woman Look Before Surgery? Before and After Pictures!

Korean, Before, After, Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery, Markys Blog, Clip, Video, 720p,

Gangnam Style TOP Plastic Surgery
- Best Before and After

South Korea has the highest per capita rate of plastic surgery in the world
- one in five women in Seoul have undergone some kind of procedure.
Most popular: Eyelid surgery, to make the eyes "more Western,"
and getting your jawbone shaved or chiseled down for a less-square and more V-shaped look

Double-jaw surgery is a radical solution to correct facial deformities
and is usually carried out on people who are unable to chew properly
due to an excessive over or underbite.

The bone-cutting procedure, that involves realigning the upper and lower jaws,
takes months to recover from and carries various risks
including permanent facial numbness or even paralysis.

East Asian blepharoplasty, also known as "double eyelid surgery", is a type of cosmetic surgery
where the skin around the eye is reshaped (blepharoplasty).
The purpose of the procedure is to create an upper eyelid with a crease (i.e. "double eyelid")
from an eyelid that is naturally without a crease.

Rhinoplasty to create a more defined (westerner alike) nose bridge.


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