The Wolf of Wall Street

The Wolf of Wall Street

Jordan Belfort begins a low-level job at an established Wall Street firm.
After being taken under the wing of company executive Mark Hanna
and becoming a certified stockbroker, he is retrenched due to the firm's bankruptcy
following Black Monday.

Belfort's wife Teresa encourages him to take a job
with a Long Island boiler room dealing in penny stocks.
Belfort impresses his new boss with his aggressive pitching style,
and earns a small fortune for the firm and himself.

Belfort befriends Donnie Azoff, a salesman living in the same apartment complex as him,
and they go into business together along with his accountant parents and several friends.
To cloak the fact the firm is a pump and dump scam, Belfort gives it the respectable name
of Stratton Oakmont, shortly after which FBI Agent Patrick Denham begins investigating the firm.

Belfort begins an affair with Naomi Lapaglia resulting in his divorce from Teresa
and a second marriage to Lapaglia, buying a mansion and a yacht that he names after her.
They have a daughter, Skylar. At work, meanwhile, Belfort, Azoff and colleagues
engage in non-stop debauchery and drug use.

Belfort makes $22 million after securing the IPO of Steve Madden Ltd. To hide his money, Belfort opens a Swiss bank account with a corrupt banker Jean-Jacques Saurel using friends with European passports to smuggle cash. It is opened in the name of Naomi's aunt Emma, a British citizen outside the reach of U.S. authorities.

Belfort consumes old Quaaludes that seem to have lost their potency,
so takes huge doses to compensate. He then receives a call from Bo Dietl, his private investigator, insisting Belfort call him back from a pay phone.

Belfort is told of colleague Brad's arrest and that all his phones are tapped.
As the Quaaludes finally kick in with overwhelming effect, Belfort recklessly drives his Lamborghini back home to prevent Azoff from using his phone. When he arrives, an intoxicated Azoff
is on the phone with Saurel. After a struggle, Azoff impulsively grabs a bite of ham and starts choking.
Belfort snorts cocaine to counteract the effect of the Quaaludes and saves Donnie.

Belfort's father Max and lawyer Manny attempt to convince Belfort
to step down from Stratton Oakmont and escape the large number of legal penalties.
However, during his office farewell, Belfort changes his mind.

Belfort, Donnie and their wives are on a yacht trip to Italy
when they learn that Emma has died so the money in the Swiss bank account is locked up.
While Emma left the money to Belfort, he has to go to Switzerland the next day to sign for it.
Over his grieving wife's objections, Belfort sails to Monaco
when a violent storm capsizes their yacht.

After their rescue, the plane sent to take them to Geneva
is destroyed by a seagull flying into the engine, exploding and killing three people.
Witnessing this, Belfort considers it a sign from God and decides to sober up.

Two years later, Denham arrests Belfort during the filming of an infomercial
after Saurel tells the FBI everything. With the evidence against him overwhelming,
Belfort agrees to gather evidence on his colleagues in exchange for leniency.

Belfort expresses optimism about his sentencing to his wife,
who promptly informs him she will file for divorce,
demanding full custody of their two children.

Belfort throws a violent tantrum, gets high, and crashes his car in his driveway
during an attempt to abscond with a frightened Skylar.
The next morning, Belfort wears a wire to work, silently slipping Donnie a note
warning him not to say anything incriminating.
The note finds its way to Agent Denham, who arrests Belfort for breaching his cooperation deal;
the FBI then raids and shuts down Stratton Oakmont.

Despite the breach, Belfort receives a reduced sentence of 36 months
in a minimum security federal prison in Nevada. After his release, Belfort makes a living
hosting seminars on sales techniques in New Zealand.

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